How do I log into Windows?
- Open "Remote Desktop Connection Manager" on windows. Your windows version should have that application already preinstalled.
- Type in the IP of your server that we provided you in an e-mail or in your clieantarea on
- Now type in your Username (Administrator) and the password provided from your RDP. That's it! If you see a message popping up (which is common on the first start) just press "Yes".
How do I log into Linux OS?
- Open your terminal (Windows: CMD or Terminal, Mac: Terminal, Linux: Terminal)
- Connect to your server with ssh: ssh USERNAME@IP
- A ssh fingerprint request will appear, type in "yes"
- The server will request your password, type in your password which has been sent to your email, you are also able to see it inside your clientarea under "Access data".
How do I gain root-access on Linux distributions?
- Once you are logged in, type "sudo passwd"
- The server will ask you to enter a new password and confirm it.
- Log into root with "sudo su"
What username do I use for which OS?
In order to use your server, you'll need a username. The usernames are different from each OS.
- Windows: Administrator
- Debian: debian
- CentOS: centos
- Ubuntu: ubuntu